The first thing you will need to do in order to obtain an accurate measurement is determine what type door you are going to be replacing. Each style you measure differently. We will go over how to measure Interior Doors like bedroom and bathroom, Back or Side doors that usually open to the outside of the home or storage building and Combination Units with a Door that opens inward and a Storm or Glass Door that swings outward that is usually a front door on your home.

Interior Doors - The interior mobile home door is one of the easiest to obtain a measurement on. You will simply measure the door both width and height. If you don't have a door you may also measure the width of the opening your installing the door into. These doors come in even sized widths such as 24", 26", 28", 30", 32" 36" and usually are either 78" or 80" in height.

Outswing Doors - Measuring an outswing door is fairly easy as long as you know where and how to measure. First, go outside the home or building and close the door. Facing the door make a note as to what side the HINGES are on from the outside. For example, if your knob is on the right from the outside and the hinges are on the left this would be considered a Left Hand or Left Hinge door. Now, while leaving the door still closed measure your width and height from outside not including the frame where the screws are and measuring only the door itself. Your numbers should be very close to even numbers. Common widths are 32", 34", 36" and 38". Common heights are 72", 76", 80" and 82". Now that you know the hand of the doors swing and size you can head over to our Doors Page and choose the style of outswing door you want on your home and you are set.

Combination Doors - These can be a bit tricky when measuring because if you measure from the wrong part of the door it can give you legitimate sounding sizes, but when you get the door home it can be two inches to narrow/wide and/or two inches too short/tall. Ideally you would measure the opening the door unit was going into both width and height making note if your walls are 4" deep or 6". That said, if you have a door already installed you cannot do this so we have two options to still obtain a good measurement. The first one you will go outside and close your front door. Facing the closed screen or storm door make a note as to what side your knob is on and the hinges. Mobile home doors go by the side the hinges are on from the outside so if your knobs on the left this would make the hinges be on the right making it a Right Hinge or Right Hand door. Now with the screen door still closed you want to measure the width and height not including the frame part where the screws hold it to your home. Take your measurement and round up to the closest whole even number. For example, if your measure 33.75" on the width that would be what is considered a 34" drop in size. Now that you know the hand of the doors swing and size you can head over to our Doors Page and choose the style of combo door you want on your home and you are set.


If your still unsure how to measure or would just like a more visual example of the process below are links to Elixir Industries YouTube how to videos.

Elixir Industries: Measuring and Ordering an Elixir Outswing Door

Elixir Industries: Measuring and Ordering a House Type Combination Door